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What is Palindrome?
A palindrome is a string or a number that is read the same backward or forward.
Ex: 101, 1331, 11, PEEP, ROTATOR, etc are some examples of a palindrome
Note - One can make a string palindrome by pasting the reversed version of the original string at the end of the string
Ex: Code is not a palindrome but Codeedoc is a palindrome.
Input Format
Given a string s
which consists of lowercase or uppercase letters, return the length of the longest palindrome that can be built with those letters.
Letters are case-sensitive, for example, "Aa"
is not considered a palindrome here.
Example 1:
Input: string = "abccccddeee"
Output: 9
const longestPalindrome = (string) => {
/* Javascript Object to store the key value pair */
const map = {}
let ans = 0, firstOdd = false
/* Setup Map for the given string */
for (let val of string) {
map[val] = map[val] ? map[val] + 1 : 1
/* Logic for fetching length */
for (let key in map) { /* Iterating over map to get each key*/
if (map[key] % 2 === 0) {
ans += map[key]
} else {
if (!firstOdd) {
ans += map[key]
firstOdd = true
} else {
ans += map[key] - 1
/* returning the length of longest palindrom */
return ans
It is a leet code problem number 409 and it is considered as one of the easiest problem.